Health Safety Envrionment

As an independent and truly indigenous integrated energy business,
community empowerment and sustainability are core to our mission.

Heirs Oil & Gas manages all its operations, activities, and projects sustainably and responsibly and is committed to positively affecting the lives of all stakeholders. Our integrated Health, Safety, Environment, Social, and Security Management System follows the IFC (World Bank) Performance Standards. It is in line with the requirements of the international environmental management standard ISO 14001: 2015.



Our employees, contractors, and local communities’ health and safety are core to our business; therefore, we implement a philosophy of continual health and safety performance improvement, which we extend to all our stakeholders to mitigate risks in the workplace.


We are committed to ensuring a safe and secure working environment for all our personnel and contractors while operating responsibly within the local communities and the environment.




We are built to last, creating a legacy that speaks of impact,
respect for our host communities, and inclusiveness.

For further enquiries and information